Saturday, November 7, 2009

Family Pictures

A few weeks ago we took pictures again as a family. We went near a big red mountain and there were so maany new smells! I just had to sniff them all.
This year I had to share the camera with Cash - but everyone was still looking at me because I am the prettiest dog there is.

I am so good a taking picures and even took a kissing picture with Mom and Dad.


My birthday was this week and I didn't get a cake...but I got birthday ice cream. Mom and Dad took me to my Petsmart and I picked out a toy, bone and some treats. Then, on the way home I got the best treat of all - a vanilla ice cream cone. I love ice cream!

Cash's birthday was the day before mine, so he came with us a picked out a bone of his own.

I wish my birthday was every day!