Saturday, November 7, 2009

Family Pictures

A few weeks ago we took pictures again as a family. We went near a big red mountain and there were so maany new smells! I just had to sniff them all.
This year I had to share the camera with Cash - but everyone was still looking at me because I am the prettiest dog there is.

I am so good a taking picures and even took a kissing picture with Mom and Dad.


My birthday was this week and I didn't get a cake...but I got birthday ice cream. Mom and Dad took me to my Petsmart and I picked out a toy, bone and some treats. Then, on the way home I got the best treat of all - a vanilla ice cream cone. I love ice cream!

Cash's birthday was the day before mine, so he came with us a picked out a bone of his own.

I wish my birthday was every day!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Going Green

Well, who said dog's can't go green as well?

Don't I look adorable? I knew you would agree!

Wilson came to visit

Wilson is my boyfriend - at least if you ask Mom or I. He looks a lot like me, but of course I am much cuter! Can you tell which one is me?Willie and Cash played a lot and we all had a great time. He came over for a weekend while his parents went out of town. It was lots of fun!

Friday, July 3, 2009

In December, on Mom and Dad's anniversary I got a new playmate - a brother. He was only 8 weeks old, but about the same size as me and I am a year old! He grew so fast. I liked to take him down by his ears, but now he is twice as big as me and has caught on to my technique. We like to run and play together, especially chase each other up and down the stairs. It's good to have a brother.